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Reliant Background Check in Boynton Beach, FL For Informed Business Decisions

Build a safe and motivating work environment with detailed
background checks.

Background Check in Boynton Beach, FL 33426

Background Check Near Me in Boynton Beach, FL

Background checks help verify things such as a person’s identity, education, experience, and reputation. They are very important when it comes to hiring an employee or checking if a tenant is right for your property. Furthermore, if you do not perform a background check on your employees, it is possible that you could find yourself in a negligent hiring case. Therefore, it is very important that you perform a background check on all of your employees. Depending on the type of background check that is being performed, different kinds of information will come up. Some of this information can include the following:

What is the history of background checks in Boynton Beach, FL?

While the above bullet points show that a lot of information can be revealed in a background check, the history of background checks has been overlooked. In order for us to understand history, we must first think of why a background check is important in the first place. Employers have a responsibility to keep their employees and customers safe. In some cases, it is possible for an employer to be accused of negligent hiring if an employee displays violent behaviors.

When did the law of negligent hiring come about?

In 1908, a law for negligent hiring appeared because of an apprentice that pulled a prank, which accidentally killed another employee. The employer was charged for negligent hiring because he witnessed the apprentice’s reckless action before the event occurred, but kept him employed anyways. As a result, the employer was held liable rather than the apprentice. The apprentice decided that it would be a good idea to use an air hose in an extremely inappropriate manner. This law was further expanded upon in the years 1911 to 1913 to cover acts that occurred outside of the workplace. In other words, you could not hire someone with violent predispositions. In many cases, this covered violence against customers done by employees. By the time the 1970s rolled around, more and more employers were being charged with negligent hiring of employees. 

How do background checks from MacData Inc. help employers in Boynton Beach, FL manage the risk of hiring someone?

As shown above, hiring an employee can be a difficult decision to make. Employers have a big responsibility to hire someone that is qualified, as well as someone that does not have previous violent tendencies. This puts a lot of risk on employers to hire someone that is competent and qualified. If they fail this task, they could end up dealing with a negligent hiring case. Here are some of the ways that background checks near me can help employers in the Palm Beach County area manage the risk of hiring an employee:

Background Check Near me in Alafaya, FL

How common is embezzlement in Florida?

While it might seem like most people are trustworthy people, when it comes to managing lots of money, that is not always the case. In fact, embezzlement in the workplace is actually a lot more common than you might think. According to the National White Collar Crime Center, it is estimated that employee theft and embezzlement cost organizations and businesses about $400 billion dollars per year. That is an astounding number that is hard to even wrap your mind around. Furthermore, it is estimated that thirty to fifty of all business failures occur because of employee theft and embezzlement. In fact, the average embezzler in a company steals around $25,000 dollars a year in a company. Thankfully, in most U.S. states, embezzlement is a felony. However, these statistics show that a business can not leave its hiring process up to chance. You never know if an employee could be the potential downfall of your company. Therefore, it is imperative that you get a thorough background check near me on all your employees or potential candidates for a job. 

Who are the most likely embezzlers?

While you might have a tendency to think that embezzlers come from a certain class of people, embezzlers actually come from all sorts of occupations and classes. This means that an embezzler in your business could be from the highest-paid employee to the lowest-paid employee. The reason that this occurs is that most people that embezzle try to rationalize their behavior to themselves. Sometimes the employee that is embezzling believes they are being worked too much or believes they are not being paid enough for their job. They believe that if they just take a little, then no one will really notice. However, little by little, this stolen money adds up and statisticians can catch them in a heartbeat. All of this just goes to show that embezzlement has no boundaries and reaches across all walks of life, including business and social ones. Normally, the people committing this embezzlement are the people that have lots of trust by others in the business. In fact, trust is the one component that separates embezzlement from stealing. 

MacData Inc. Can Help Your Business With Background Checks 

If you are in need of a background check near me in Boynton Beach, FL, MacData Inc. is here to help! We are a locally owned and operated background check company in the Palm Beach County area and we specialize in pre-employment background screening. We have been operating in the Palm Beach County area for over 10 years and we have done thousands of background screens on thousands of individuals and companies. In fact, we offer one-stop background screening shopping online 24/7! That means that you can access it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! No other background screening company in the Palm Beach County area offers as good of a deal as this! Furthermore, our professional experts can help you with any background screening questions that you might have. Just give us a call at 386-254-4888 and we will be able to walk you through the entire process of getting a pre-employment background check! Give us a call today!

Some information about Boynton Beach, FL

Boynton Beach is a city in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. The population was 68,217 at the 2010 census. In 2019, the city had an estimated population of 78,679 according to the University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research. Boynton Beach is a principal city of the Miami metropolitan area, which was home to an estimated 6,012,331 people at the 2015 census.

In 1894, two years before Henry Morrison Flagler built his railroad, a former American Civil War major named Nathan Boynton first set eyes on the area that now bears his name. Boynton hailed from Port Huron, Michigan. He was so impressed by the natural beauty of the year-round sunshine and pristine beaches, he built the famous Boynton Hotel, where he also spent winters with his family. The first settlers, whom Boynton had brought along from Michigan, soon realized that many fruits and vegetables thrived in the fertile climate. Pineapples, tomatoes, mangoes, and citrus fruit were packed in crates and shipped by the ton on the newly built Florida East Coast Railroad to satisfy the appetites of hungry Americans across the country. Major Boynton died on May 27, 1911 in Port Huron, but the hotel lasted until 1925.

Boynton Beach was founded on September 26, 1898 when Byrd Spilman Dewey and her husband Fred S. Dewey filed the original plat in the Dade County courthouse for the Town of Boynton. The town was incorporated in 1920 as the Town of Boynton. The name ‘Boynton Beach’ was first used by a community that broke off from the Town of Boynton in 1931. In 1939, that community changed its name to ‘Ocean Ridge’ while The Town of Boynton took the name ‘Boynton Beach’ in 1941.

A 1940s view of the Boynton Beach Seaboard Air Line Railroad depot, whose demolition was authorized by the city in 2006

In 1926, the Seaboard Air Line Railway entered what was then simply Boynton, spurring land development a mile inland near the Seaboard station, including the town’s first planned subdivision, Lake Boynton Estates. As land became more valuable, areas along the Intracoastal Waterway and the Federal Highway in Boynton also saw housing developments. To the west, many dairies were founded so that the Boynton area became the main milk supplier for Palm Beach County. By the 1970s, the dairies were no longer profitable and these lands too were converted to housing developments.

Learn more about Boynton Beach.

Map of Boynton Beach, FL

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